Time for the monthly congratulations post! And, this time it is also the Year End UpDate, and you won't believe how much money all of us earned this year with Online Offers.
This may be my favorite post of 2009. I know, it is technically 2010, but this is a recap of 2009, so that counts, right? :)
And, as usual, I have fun pictures that readers submitted with their checks or gift cards they received. Above is Rachel's daughter with the $500 Check they received in the mail. Below you can find Kim sharing her $500 Visa Gift Card with us! Congrats ladies!
I also like the congrats post, because I feel like it is encouraging for those who are new to Online Offers or a bit leery. And, the more people who can benefit from these programs, the better!
So, just think, all of you listed are actually going to help new people this month earn some extra money by being an example and encouragement to others!
Want to learn more about making money with Online Offers? Click here or go to my Online Offers button in my left menu bar at anytime. And, don't forget to check out the Bragger post to see all the pictures of everyone with their free gifts and read all their comments.
So, how much did everyone receive in November & December ( and one just now reported from October )? $7,650 & 3 Got Milk Tshirts, Michael Jackson Tshirt.
If I missed you in the round up, please leave a comment below and I will get you added.
How much have we all received in 2009?
- January - $10,325
- February - $7,200, Wii and Wii Fit
- March - $11,500, 2 Wii's and 2 Wii Fits
- April - $11,000, Wii and Wii Fit
- May - $8,250, Wii and Wii Fit
- June - $6, 200, Wii and Wii Fit, and 2 iPod Touchs
- July - $8,800
- August - $7,100
- Sept - $7,350
- Oct - $2,600 and Michael Jackson Tshirt
- Nov & Dec - $7,650 and 3 Got Milk Tshirts, Michael Jackson Tshirt
Total for 2009 - $85,975 plus 6 Wii and Wii Fits, 2 iPod Touchs, & many Tshirts
Now, here are Nov/Dec's newest recipients!
- $500 Check from IDeal - Rachel G.
- $1,500 ( 2 - $500 Visa Gift Cards & $500 Best Buy Gift Card ) - Sandra @ A Lot of Savings
- $500 Gift Card - Trisha K.
- $500 Gift Card and Got Milk Tshirt - Rachael
- $500 Gift Card - Kim B ( pic above )
- $500 Kmart Gift Cards - Martha
- $500 Gift Card - Karen
- $500 Gift Card & $50 Gift Card - Shirley D.
- $500 Gift Card and Got Milk Tshirt - Katie M.
- $500 Check - Vickie M.
- $500 Gift Card - Pauline
- $500 Gift Card and Michael Jackson Tshirt - Carol ( actually received in October, but just now reporting )
- $500 Gift Card and Got Milk Tshirt - Kim C.
My camera isn't working at the moment but I received the $500 visa and milk tee in Dec.
Thanks so much for you sharing how you do this. It was a lot of fun and I plan on doing many more.
Katie M.
Thanks Katie. I just updated the round up and included your #s.
Congrats to you! And, perfect timing. Who can't use extra money around Christmas. :)
Hi there! I totally forgot to let you know I got my $500 IDeal check at the end of November, WooHoo! With the holidays around it slipped my mind. I'm currently working on a $1000 visa gift card through Nuitech. I'm excited! I'll let you know when I receive that one :)
Thanks Vickie. Just added you. Up to over $84K for 2009 now! Woo, hoo!
Count me in! I received my $500.00 IDeal Gift Card right before Christmas. I wish I could of sent you a picture but I need to still figure out the how to in picture taking. Anyway, on with the next offer. Thanks so much for all you do.
Pauline from Olde Cape Cod
Congrats! Just added you to the round up.
I also received my $500 Visa gift card and milk t-shirt in December!
I think I spent about $75 doing offers...
Would have been a little less, but I opened something I shouldn't have and couldn't send it back...
But still,$425 in FREE money...!!!
I love your site, Carrie.
Thank you so much!
Kim C.
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