Time for the monthly congratulations post!
It is one of my favorite times, because..well...yay for everyone!
This month's featured picture is Misty's daughter holding her $1,500 check! That is one rich little girl! :)
Don't forget to go check out the bragger post for all the other photos submitted this month! Thank you!
I also like the congrat post, because I feel like it is encouraging for those who are new to Online Offers or a bit leery. And, the more people who can benefit from these programs, the better!
So, just think, all of you listed are actually going to help new people this month earn some extra money by being an example and encouragement to others!
Want to learn more about making money with Online Offers? Click here or go to my Online Offers button in my left menu bar at anytime. And, don't forget to check out the Bragger post to see all the pictures of everyone with their free gifts and read all their comments.
So, how much did everyone receive this month? $5,600!!
If I missed you in the round up, please leave a comment below and I will get you added.
How much have we all received so far in 2009?
- January - $10,325
- February - $7,200, Wii and Wii Fit
- March - $11,500, 2 Wii's and 2 Wii Fits
- April - $11,000, Wii and Wii Fit
- May - $8,250, Wii and Wii Fit
- June - $6, 200, Wii and Wii Fit, and 2 iPod Touchs
- July - $8,800
- August - $7,100
Total for 2009 - $70,375 plus 6 Wii and Wii Fits, 2 iPod Touchs
Now, here are August's newest recipients!
- $500 Visa Gift Card - Leah
- $500 Visa Gift Card - Short on Cents
- $1,500 Check from Nuitech - Misty N @ The Newsome Family
- $500 Visa Gift Card - Renee R.
- $500 Gift Card - Sharon
- $500 Visa Gift Card - Haley K.
- $500 - Jillian H.
- $600 Visa Gift Cards - Mary S.
- (2) $500 Gift Cards from IDeal - Stretch Your Money
- $500 Visa Gift Card - Kami R.
- $1,000 from Nuitech - Smart Shopaholic
Here is a good one to start:
What offers are new this week, for all of us die hard online offer fans? There are only two , so hopefully some new ones pop up next week. But, remember you can find all the many offers available on the Online Offers page. And, the bonus is that one is a $1,000 for Netblue!

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And, don't forget to catch up with me on Twitter, my Facebook Page and my Facebook Group.
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Is the $500 Visa Gift Card offer through IDeal? Or is TopNotch a different company? How crazy do you get, ensuring that the individual offers are not related to ones you have done previously?
I did 2 offers previously, one from top notch and one from I deal. My fiance set up an account on 123 click and his account was placed on hold after we mailed in the certificate. It said something about completing an offer more than once in 6 months or something like that. I do not have internet at my house so I completed both of mine at his house on the laptop. When he set up his account we used the desktop computer to do his. (Both computers are connected to our wireless router) It has been several months since his account was placed on hold and the offer now has expired. Do you think it will be safe for me to start a new offer using the same computer at his house that I previously used. I ask because in the terms and conditions it says something about the same IP address being counted as same address, even though that is not the reason it gave us when his account was placed on hold. It has been over 6 months since I received both of my rewards. What is your experience with people's accounts being placed on hold with one site, such as Ideal, and then trying again with another site, such as top notch????
Cheep Cheep Dates,
Top Notch is an IDeal company.
If you go to my Online Offers button in the left menu bar, you will see I have instructions for IDeal on the left side bar as well as all of the IDeal companies. So, here are some examples, Top Notch, eSolutions Media, Market Labs, etc, etc..they all belong to IDeal.
Hope that helps.
Oh, and you absolutely need to make sure they aren't related.
I would be a bit hesitant.
First, you said you did an IDeal-Top Notch and an IDeal ( what company was the other IDeal? Was it 123 Click, too? )
Then, he did an IDeal-123 Click offer and got DQ'd. Was it the exact same site you did? And, did he do some of the same offers you did, too?
Even though you are using differnt computers, it is the same household. And, they have both stipulatilons in place..one per household, and one per IP address.
Now that he is DQ'd, you cannot do any 123 Click offers from that household or IP Address ever agained. Basically, you are banned. :(
But, as far as the other companies such as Top Notch, etc, you could be OK. I am actually not sure.
I wish I had a better answer for you.
But, the main thing is to always remember, even if you are at someone else's house, at work or a coffee house...if ANYONE else has done an offer from that place, you will count as the same IP Address/household.
Never do offers somewhere besides home, unless you know for sure no one else will ever be doing them from there, too.
If you try it and it works, please let us know!
Hi Carrie!
I received a $500 Visa gift card from I-Deal in August!
Kami R.
Thanks for responding Carrie! I did an i-deal, not sure of sub company name, (exxon gas card one) and then a $500.00 visa from top notch. I was approved for both and everything worked out fine. He signed up through 123 click and his account was placed "on hold" after paperwork was submitted. It never actually said "DQ'd" I continued to check the3 account until it expired. I don't have internet at my house so I did them there. I was wanting to do the one through top notch for the $500 visa and got milk shirt, but I just wanted to make sure before I started. It is a different sub-company so I believe and hope that it will be ok! If you find out anything else on the "on hold" or "DQ'd" subject please post or comment! I'm sure many of us want to know this!!! Thanks again for all your help :)
If it was the Exxon Gas, I am pretty sure that was a Top Notch, too.
His offer probably included some offers from the same parent company as you did in your two offers..which is grounds for DQ ( they call it On Hold, but it basically the same thing )
You can mail them a letter to try and get it cleared up, but I have never heard of anyone getting an On Hold cleared yet.
Just did my first one for 500.00 ... now the waiting game..
I got $1,000 in gas cards from Nuitech in August.
Carrie, your posts have been so AWESOME in helping me do these deals. I had always been hesitant to do the offers but your instructions have been fab. Since reading your tutorials/posts on these companies, I've received a $500 Visa GC as well as an iPod Touch with $100 iTunes gift card (which just saved me from buying a Christmas gift!). Also, I've been able to test out some fun products in order to meet the requirements. Thanks!
Yay! Wonderful...so fun getting the mail or seeing the Fed Ex man when he is delivering all the goodies for us, isn't it?
Have I logged your numbers yet, do you know? Or, did you get this all in August?
hey there just keeping ya updated.. all silver approved.. all gold approved.. just waiting on the Platnium offers to go thru!!! YAY!!! 500 bucks is gonna help me pay my oil bill and other bills! THANKS CARRIE
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