Time for the monthly congratulations post!
This month, I wanted to share this fun picture of Kathryn B, and her $500 Visa Gift Card!
It is one of my favorite times, because..well...yay for everyone!
I also like it, because I feel like it is encouraging for those who are new to Online Offers or a bit leery. And, the more people who can benefit from these programs, the better!
So, just think, all of you listed are actually going to help new people this month earn some extra money by being an example and encouragement to others!
Want to learn more about making money with Online Offers? Click here or go to my Online Offers button in my left menu bar at anytime. And, don't forget to check out the Bragger post to see all the pictures of everyone with their free gifts and read all their comments.
So, how much did everyone receive this month? $6,200, a Wii and Wii Fit and 2 iPod Touchs!!
If I missed you in the round up, please leave a comment below and I will get you added.
How much have we all received so far in 2009?
- January - $10,325
- February - $7,200, Wii and Wii Fit
- March - $11,500, 2 Wii's and 2 Wii Fits
- April - $11,000, Wii and Wii Fit
- May - $8,250, Wii and Wii Fit
- June - $6, 200, Wii and Wii Fit, and 2 iPod Touchs
Total for 2009 - $54,475 plus 6 Wii and Wii Fits, 2 iPod Touchs
Now, here are June's newest recipients!
- Alexandra @ Mommy's Got Green - Wii and Wii Fit
- Jessica - 500 Visa Gift Card
- Kathleen - $500 Shell Gas Gift Cards
- Lori @ Moms By Heart - $1,000 in gift cards!!!
- Shannan @ For the Mommas - $500 Gift Card
- amwilson65 - $500 Gift Card
- Kristine - $500 Visa Gift Card, iPod Touch and $100 iTunes Gift Card
- Amy - $500 Visa Gift Card
- Kathryn B - $500 Visa Gift Card
- Lesley - $500 Visa Gift Card
- Anonymous ( left comment on the Bragger post ) - $500 Visa Gift Card
- Emily @ Laundry and Lullabies - $500 Gift Card
- Tonya - $100 Gift Card and iPod Touch
Here is a good one to start:
What offers are new this week, for all of us die hard online offer fans?
IDeal - Market Labs
- $50 and Michael Jackson T Shirt - Public Survey Panel
IDeal - eSolutions Media
- Free Gaming Center - Gadget Center
IDeal - Jasper Marketing
- Free $50 for Burger King - Food Critic 101
IDeal - Bullseye Media
- Free $50 for KFC - Gift Card Surveys
- $50 from Redken and L'Oreal - Gift House

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And, don't forget to catch up with me on Twitter and Facebook.
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I sooo want to try one of these deals but I am scared to death to do one!
I keep meaning to take a picture and send it to you, but with three little ones it just hasn't happened! Ah well, I'll just say so here instead: I received a $500 Visa gc back in April and another one in June. Woohoo! I also have a Nuitech offer in progress and I just started a 3rd iDeal offer. Thanks again for all you've done to make this possible for us!
I first learned of your website on a Blogtalk radio show (I can't remember which one). I was still hesitant but tried it anyway. I received my iPod Touch & $100 in iTunes gift cards via FedEx. Thank you so very much for your site. I am now trying for a $500 Visa gift card. I have told sevearl people but they have all said it is too much work. Work...yes. Too much work...I don't think so.
Hello, I just completed my first offer and sent it in on June 30 with my completion certificate and tax form. Do you know when I should get my $600 phone card? Thanks :) marystancu at yahoo dot com
Thanks for all of the helpful information! My paperworks been approved, and I am excitedly waiting to receive my first $500 Visa card. A guestion---have you ever heard of SimpleFreeRewards or know anything about them?
I haven't, but if you have good luck with them please let me know. I am always looking for new, legit companies.
Keep an eye on your account until it updates ( the part where you print your form will be gone and a date will appear when they receive it ).
If they haven't received your paperwork 2 weeks after your delivery confirmation shows they got it, send them an email with the delivery confirmation # asking when they will update.
They will usually respond back that it can take 30 days. BUT, if you get 1 week out from when your 60 day expiration date will hit, I would then resend your paperwork again ( so keep copies of it all right now ) just to make sure.
Once they get your forms, they will mark on there about how long until they will ship it. The longest is usually around 4 weeks.
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