Speaking for Kyle at Rather Be Shopping. Click here to read his recent post on the housing crisis. Of course, I have strong feelings on this issue, too, and was so glad to see a post on this topic from a fellow blogger.
I came home from the grocery this week, and told my husband how aggravated I was standing in line behind someone using their food coupons ( or checks..whatever they get ). I am not opposed to helping those you are trying to help themselves. I am all for that. I know people lose their jobs and fall upon hard times. I believe THAT is what the government programs are for....but even during those hard times, families should still be doing all they can at home to help themselves.
But, she bought what she was allowed on her government coupons/checks and then had a seperate order rang up on her own...that she paid for. And, in that order were expensive, needless items. Must we spend money on cigarettes when we can't even afford to pay for our own food? On top of that, she used no coupons! Fine, if you don't have money...that is your choice.
But, I spend hours organizing and cutting my coupons to save money. And, I don't necessarily have to. We could waste that money and not have to ask the government for help...we just wouldn't have as much left over for other things. So, I don't understand why someone who needs the money would pay full price? What am I missing? Her bill was the same as what I pay a week for 3 times as many groceries and it feeds my whole family. She only had a handfull of items. Ugh!
If she would have used coupons instead, she could have gotten all the items ( even the ones the government paid for ) for the same price she paid out of pocket anyway. So, what that leads me to believe is that someone is too lazy to cut coupons so insteads lets us all pay for their items thru our tax money. Does the government have classes on living frugally? If not, they should!
OK..enough from me. Hopefully, I didn't offend anyone! But, I would love to hear anyone's comments on this subject, even if they oppose what I said. I am always open to others ideas and take on issues!
On with the coupons of the week from Kyle.....From Kyle:
As August rolls in, I have been given some great back-to-school coupons that I wanted to pass along. With 2 kids starting school in a couple weeks, my wife and I have already taken advantage of a couple of these offers. For example, the Old Navy coupon for 20% off saved us just over $14 over the weekend. I hope they can save you some money as well.
Alibris Books
Get $6 Off your $60 or more Textbook Purchase
Coupon Code: SCHOOL
Expires: 9/15/08
See Additional: Alibris Coupons
Children's Place.com
Get 15% Off your entire Online Purchase
Coupon Code: FA78
Expires: 9/02/08
See Additional: Childrens Place Coupons
Dell Computers
Get 20% taken off an Inspiron Laptop order of $999 or more + Free Shipping
Coupon Code: 7HZ57$KKKMJJBS
Expires: 8/13/08
See Additional: Dell Coupons
Get free shipping on your $49 or more Shoe/Footwear order
Coupon Code: AUGSHOE
Expires: 8/11/08
See Additional: JCPenney.com Coupons
Get 10% off your entire Online Purchase
Coupon Code: NEW7706
Expires: 8/16/08
See Additional: Kohls.com Coupons
Old Navy
Get 20% off your entire Online Purchase w/ your Old Navy Card
Coupon Code: STUFFSAVE
Expires: 8/21/08
See Additional: Old Navy.com Coupons
Smart Bargains.com
Get 12% off on your entire Online Purchase (new customers only)
Coupon Code: None Needed
Expires: 8/31/08
See Additional: Smart Bargains Coupons
Get $7 off your $70 or more Online Purchase
Coupon Code: None Needed
Expires: 8/15/08
See Additional: Target Coupons
Vision Direct
Get 12% off your entire Online Purchase (new customers only)
Coupon Code: SCHOOL12
Expires: 8/15/08
See Additional: Vision Direct Coupons
Thanks for the link to my blog post! It was very refreshing to see all the great comments on that post, yours included. I was expecting some back-lash from the socialist types...
BTW, Love the new blog design!
Love your blog! I've just nominated you for an award!
Well, yea, you did kind of offend, but that's okay, I can take it! You made some pretty sweeping generalizations there.
First off, you don't know that the "needless" items were even hers. Maybe she was buying it for someone else. Just because she didn't use coupons doesn't mean she was lazy. When I was really poor, it would have been really hard to spend the money on a sunday paper every week to get coupons. I lived in a rural area,and was pretty isolated, so getting them from friends, all of which were also pretty dirt poor was not an option.
Before you get all judgemental about "government handouts" please take a look at how many tax credits you take. Did you take the tax rebate this year?
Just another way of looking at it. Thanks for the blog--I enjoy your posts.
I totally agree... and echo your thoughts. That person, and others like her should be cutting coupons and doing what they can. It frustrates me to see that. I work hard to earn a living and spend time cutting my coupons etc to stretch that money... and my tax dollars go to some folks too lazy to help themselves (and I say some because there are those that do try and do make an effort who have pride). You're right the government needs to teach courses in frugality if they don't!!
I don't remember where I read the article, but I believe the statistic given was that middle income families are more likely to scout out deals/sales/rebates and use coupons than low income families. I teach in schools in a low income area and I have noticed a connection between low income families and lack of education in life skills. Children copy the model that they see in their parents. If the parents don't save money, then the children won't. I do realize that there are exceptions to this rule, as there are to every rule, but this is what I have witnessed. I know that I am a product of my mother's savvy frugal lifestyle, and she is a product of her mother's frugality.
It would take a huge movement and a lot of work to get families on food stamps to take a class on saving money at the grocery store. Of course, this could be a condition of getting the food stamps, but then more government money would be spent on people overseeing a program like that. It's a Catch-22.
Thanks for all the great comments back and keep them coming! I love hearing thoughts on the housing market, and our government programs. It is always such a touchy topic...hopefully no one cares I brought it up!
And to Angela...thanks for the comments on the flip side. That is exactly what I wanted..both sides of the coin!!! Otherwise, it is hard for me to visalize anything beyond my little world.
It is too easy for me ( and anyone ) to only see our own side and our own frustrations and not the others side of the story.
And, I am sure the other side of the coin gets frustrated with me!
I also grew up in very rural Ohio. Let's just say, to get to the nearest mall was 45 minutes...to the nearest restaurant ( besides the one country restaurant in town ) was almost 30 minutes and you better fill up at Swifty gas station or you might not make it to the next town. :-) Hey, maybe we were neighbors? :-)
In fact, my parents and brother's family still live there.
Although, I am happy to say, they do now have this inky dinky McDonald's they put in town. So funny!
And, I also have family living in "very" rural Indiana in the coal mines ( did anyone even know they had those in Indiana...no one ever talks about them ).
So, believe me, when I say, I totally understand the pitfalls of living in the middle of nowhere.
You may know all your neighbors and the local gossip, but there are definitely the disadvantages.
In fact, my parents had one of those huge antenna towers on the house when they bought it from the previous owners, because that was the only way to get TV..since cable didn't come out that far ( and the only dish at that time...were those huge super expensive ones ).
For example...
My A. takes the ads from all stores from the larger town papers to Wal Mart ( as it is one of the only closest stores they have..since Wal Mart originally opened in rural areas )and the store Wal Mart matches all the ads. She saves quite a bit this way, but, as we all know, it takes a bit of time to find the best deals.
And, you are right. That lady may not have been buying it for herself. And, to say someone is lazy is a bit harsh...because it is not the case with everyone.
But, here is another story. My best friend from college got her degree and chose to work in the field helping illerate adults learn to read.
Most of the people that showed up were those required by the government to put so many hours in to get their money.
And, the one frustration is that because she worked for this program ( which she adored..by the way ), she was often times making LESS than the people getting their government money.
Yet, she lived in a nice home, had a car, paid her bills, and did it all on her own by managing her money/finances.
I fully believe in helping those who need it. Hence, why we donate to charities, etc, and give to others.
We are currently giving our whole living room set to someone for free ( even though I had people asking if we had furniture to sell at our garage sale ) and it is in pretty darn good condition, that we know needs it.
And, I am a BIG fan of any charities, giving, etc.
Our current money from the rebate from the government has not been used. We didn't spend it on anything, and it just sitting there. Why do we set that money aside instead of spending it?
Kind of for the same reason you just mentioned..we weren't quite sure what we thought of the government sending that out to all of us. The cost is took was, well, out of this world.
Another hot debate topic, I guess. But, since we had no choice and they were sending it to us, we decided not to spend it.
Unless we needed it ( an appliance broke, etc ), we would rather make sure we are well prepared for a rainy day...meaning, my husband, heaven forbid, ever loses his job, someone would ever get sick, etc.
Hmmm..I am starting to sound like a glass half empty girl...waiting for a disaster...but really, I just like to be prepared, so we can continue to take care of ourselves.
Again, thanks for the comments. Because I don't know each persons specific situation, just as they don't know ours.
And, for all I know, she lost her job, is frantacially running around during the day at interviews ( hence...no time to cut coupons and scrimp/save ), while she has some friend watching her kids ..so she can save all her extra money while she interviews! She wants to get home to them quickly, so picks up the groceries quickly ( which is indeed much easier to do ) and is on her way.
And, all the time...I..who truly tries not to judge...lest I be judged...is, well, judging! Ugh! Sometimes I do hate myself!
So, Angela...keep me in line!! Keep reading..and email me or comment, just like this, when you know I am way off track. I appreciate the eye opener!
Totally agree. I have had friends at my previous company, that when they were laid off...got unemployment and government assistance, etc..to get them thru while looking diligently for other jobs.
It is a tough economy...and can be really hard on families!
They had 2 kids, so they did still need an income coming in for awhile.
And, I love seeing the government programs help when people need it! That is what they are for, right? Helping those who are down and out and trying to get back on their feet.
That is the key, I think, people need to be honestly trying to get on their feet.
It is those that are not...and we know there are some of both out there...that are taking advantage of the programs and us....there in lies the frustration!
Not sure if this is the right spot but here goes- In regards to the shopping comments, Most low income/special needs families do not have computers or internet access. Maybe there should be some type of program to assist families with how to find and use such a program. I do know libraries and job service centers have computers but I do not know if printing coupons is allowed. Just a thought to ease your observed shopping "wasted savings"
Carrie in Sacramento
Nice post.
Incidentally, I run a social shopping project where members can share coupons from renowned online stores.
e-Shopping Magazine!
As this is my first visit to your blog, so, not much post about the instant post in question. I'll definitely visit your blog again.
I read a local news article a while back that focused on the amount each family type receives and how it's not enough with today's prices. When I read that I could potentially qualify for up to $150 a week in groceries, I almost had a heart attack. Do you know how much FOOD I could get for $150 a week??? Oh my goodness! But, for some families, it wasn't enough...
I sat down and started to write an editorial along the lines of EDUCATION. Most of us taught ourselves (with the help of blogs, forums, etc) how to coupon, but not everyone has the time or tenacity it would take to do this on a steady basis. (I've noticed that a large majority are SAHM's - myself included.) The solution? Volunteer to hold a couponing class at your local library. Every week gather up all of the local deals, bring extra coupons, and then SHOW THEM and HELP THEM get the best deals. I would LOVE to do something like this but I don't know that I have the time (everyone's nodding...me too) ok, then recruit a local retired person to help...bring stacks of coupons to a retirement home and ask them to help clip...maybe someone that's interested in the class could help. I have a feeling that these classes would be a great success ANYWHERE.
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