Would you like a free blue tooth for yourself or someone else?
Samsung currently has a rebate that makes it Free with Free Shipping, too.
Even better?
You can order up to 3 per household. Just make sure you put each rebate and receipt in it's own envelope. Read terms for full details.
The rebate also comes in a Prepaid Visa Gift Card. This can be used anywhere Visa is accepted ( the grocery store, gas, etc ). My recommendation with prepaid cards is to go buy a gift card at your grocery, etc for the exact amount. Why?
If you get down to only $2.34 cents left ( as an example ), you need to buy something that EXACT amount to get it to go thru. Well, how likely is that to happen? So, I always buy grocery gift cards whenever I get prepaid credit cards as rewards.
To grab your free Blue Tooth ( if you are getting more than one, is it Blue Teeth? LOL ):
- Click here to go to Adorama
- Search for Samsung WEP450 Bluetooth Headset with 100 Hours Standby Time, Black
- Item should pull up for $20 with Free Shipping
- Rebate form for $20 can be found here
- Expires Jan 31, 2010

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Awesome! Thank you, this takes care of 3 gifts...whoohoo!
"If you get down to only $2.34 cents left ( as an example ), you need to buy something that EXACT amount to get it to go thru."
Thanks for the tip. Also that statement is not true. I had a Vanilla Visa gift card had 6.81 on it. I made a purchase of 13 dollars and something. I had them put in the 6.81 from the gift card swiped it then did the other with my bank card. So it probably depends.
Yes, what Jammie said is true regarding the gift cards remaining balance. There is usually an 800 number you can call to get your balance. Then, when you buy something for $25 for example, you tell the cashier there is $2.34 on your card. You swipe it, the cashier enters $2.34 and then you pay the difference. It is always a pain - thanks for the GREAT tip on using it to buy a gift card. Why don't I ever have the good ideas?
Jammie and Julia,
Sorry, I should have clarified. If you are at an establishment that can split the process up to only charge $2.34 or whatever to the card, you can get it to go thru.
But, the actual card canNOT take more than the balance.
Restaurants, gas stations etc, usually cannot process gift cards with a small balance left even if split, because their registers automatically put on hold more than the balance of your bill or fill up because of a tip ( they are hoping ) or because the pump doesn't know how much gas you are going to put in.
Grocery stores, and some other retailers can.
But, I often found, clerks wouldn't know how to do it, had to call managers...it was a pain. And, often I would find out I couldn't use it because some didn't want to bother.
So, now, after years of Online Offers and getting Visa Gift Cards, I immediately go to Kroger and buy Kroger gift cards with them. I know I am going to shop for my food there and that the balance remaining doesn't matter, they don't have to try and split the transaction up for $2 left.
This is a good idea for the gift cards but something I use them for is paying bills. I use it for this because of the exact amount factor. I can log on to the website for my bills (electric,gas, and water) and use just pay that amount toward the bill, that way I don't have to worry about having extra left over.
Nichole's idea is EXCELLENT!!!
I can't believe I never thought of it..genius!
Seriously consider this method for using your gift cards, too.
I am SO in on this one. I remember when I didn't jump on the Microsoft Mouse last year -and then ended up PAYING for one later. Aggghhhhh!
Question on the "three per household" deal - can I buy all three in one transaction, or do I need to buy just one, three separate times, to get three unique receipts? Thanks in advance for the clarification!
have you recieved you rebate yet?
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