Welcome to my weekly post for all of you Online Offer enthusiasts out there.
Here you will see a list of which new offers are available, so you can find out what is currently new and fresh in the world of online offers.
All of these offers will also be on my Online Offers page, along with any other online offers available. Please click here or go to the button in my left menu bar titled, Online Offers at anytime to read on how I make thousands with these deals.
In addition, when you decide which offer you are going to try, make sure to read the specific instructions for that company. They will be listed by company in the side bars on my Online Offers web page.
And, don't forget to email me your picture with your prizes when they arrive. And, leave a comment in the Blogger Bragger post when you get your goodies!!
Here are this weeks offers:
NetblueHere you will see a list of which new offers are available, so you can find out what is currently new and fresh in the world of online offers.
All of these offers will also be on my Online Offers page, along with any other online offers available. Please click here or go to the button in my left menu bar titled, Online Offers at anytime to read on how I make thousands with these deals.
In addition, when you decide which offer you are going to try, make sure to read the specific instructions for that company. They will be listed by company in the side bars on my Online Offers web page.
And, don't forget to email me your picture with your prizes when they arrive. And, leave a comment in the Blogger Bragger post when you get your goodies!!
Here are this weeks offers:
- $1,000 Free - Every Free Gift
Bullseye Media - IDeal
- $500 Airline Gift Card - Gift House
- $500 Check - The Research Center
eSolutions Media - IDeal
- $50 Gift Card - eConsumer Gift
Market Labs - IDeal
- Free Ugg Slippers - Online Retail Trends
123 Click - IDeal
- 2 Free Airline Tickets - eBonus Rewards
Top Notch - IDeal
- $500 Gift Card & Got Milk T-shirt - Consumer Survey Center
- $500 Victoria Secret Gift Card - My Rewards Center

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And, don't forget to catch up with me on Twitter, my Facebook Page and my Facebook Group.
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Does the six month requirement start from when you first started your offer or when you finished it? I have done 2 Top Notch offers...the first one I began in February. Could I begin another one now?
Netblue link not working?
I just tested it and it is working on my end.
Do you have a blocker up on your site that may not be allowing it to open?
On the other question, I always assumed it is from the date you did your offers ( so if you log into your old account, each should have a date next to the offer ).
BUT.....I am one of those careful type gals. So, I always allow myself a little more time and do my next offer 6 months after my gift arrives in the mail. :) But, that is just me.
Netblue ones do not require you to stay a member 30+ days like Nuitech, right Carrie? I've never done a Netblue, but I think this might be the time to jump in.
They have not ever required that in the past.
But, please make sure to read their terms/conditions to make sure they haven't changed.
The difference Netblue usually has is that their last page is more expensive.
They will have a pop up window show up for each offer to tell you what you must do in order to get credit.
So, it may say, you have to sign up ( not the trial ) so figure that cost into your out of pocket.
Hope that makes sense.
I just received my very first gift card for $500!!! So excited. Thanks so much for the great tips and advice.
I can't get Netblue link working either. Are you in Firefox or IE?
Hey Carrie, I have already done a top notch and a nuitech this month for 500 dollar gift cards. Could I also do the netblue? Thanks for all your help. This is my new favorite blog. :)
Hey Carrie,
Thanks for the Netblue information. I'll make sure to count the cost before I jump in. :)
I personally use Firefox.
If you can't get it to work, leave your email address in this comment section ( or email me asking for the Netblue offer ) and I can email it to you.
See if it will work that way.
Yes, Netblue is a different company.
Is that 1000 dollar rule for EACH company? Like I can only get 1000 per six months from the nuitech? Before I start doing another offer I just want to make sure. Just curious how often do you do these?
The $1,000 limit is only an IDeal limit. It is not a Nuitech or Netblue limit.
I don't do many of them anymore, since I spent the majority of my free time working on the Money Saving Methods website, answering emails, researching posts, etc.
BUT, when I was doing them a lot, I always had one from each company going usually. A Netblue, a Nuitech and an Ideal.
Please email me the link to the netblue offer, I still can't seem to get it to work. Thanks Carrie!
bryansgirl_1979 @ hotmail dot com
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