I was so thrilled to get some wonderful deals from Brylane Home and mark some more gifts off my list for the year, all for next to nothing. Click here to read how I manage my sale shopping for the year!
First, Brylane Home is offering a free sewing machine with any purchase. This means even clearance items. And, they have some very cute items marked very low right now. Go check out their clearance section.
I picked this cute, summer set for $5.99, and it was normally priced $39.99. And, you may remember, it was one of the free gifts from months ago. What a deal! But, don't worry, this gets even better.... ( do I sound like an infomercial? )
After I bought this item for $5.99 and got this plus the sewing machine ( regularly $29.99 ) free, an offer for Reservation Rewards popped up for a free 30 day trial. If I agreed to try, they would give me a $10 free gift certificate number. Yeah! So, I did. As always, please make sure to mark your calendars a couple days before your 3o days is up, so you can decide whether to keep or cancel. And, do a screen print and copy the information from your sign up page for future reference. And, these programs Brylane Home offers at the end of their orders are actually very good companies ( many times you can get discounted gift cards, etc ), so make sure to take a look around after you join.
So, I signed up and they immediately gave me the $10 gift certificate.
So, I bought a 2nd set of the summer set above. I paid for it with the $10 gift certificate. And, they will send you a check for the difference, if you don't spend all the money. :-)
This still gets better. If you look at your Reservation Rewards account, you ALSO get a $10 rebate for any purchase from Brylane Home for August. So, I am planning on sending my receipt in for the $5.99 plus shipping I paid for the first order. You want to mail this in IMMEDIATELY, because you must be a member to get this $10. So, depending on when you process this, you may not get this $10 if you cancel. It is not guaranteed. Last time I did this offer a few years ago, it did come thru, though, so it should, hopefully.
Finally, right now, if you haven't used Shop at Home yet ( I have been talking about it a lot lately because we can all use that $5 new member bonus ), this would be a good time. That $5 will bring the price down even more! And, they give you 4% back. :)
If you have already signed up with Shop at Home, try Mr. Rebates ( they also give $5 if you are a new member and they are giving 5% back ).
Here are step by step instructions:
- Click here to sign up or log in w/ Shop at Home ( get $5 Bonus if new member )
- Go to Brylane Home from the Shop at Home site
- Click on the Clearance tab on Brylane Home. I went to the $9.99 or less to find my item
- Upload your item to your cart.
- Go to checkout.
- Enter code BHWSEWING
- The sewing machine will load after you enter the code and the price of it will be deducted
- Finish Check out. Mine came $10.98
- Sign up for free trial that pops up for Reservation Rewards ( or whatever company comes up for you. If you sign up and it says you have already signed up for the trial and don't qualify, go to your order confirmation and click on the link below your total. A new offer will show up there ) and get $10 credit. Remember to mark your calendar for a few days before 30 days.
- Go back to Shop at Home and log back into Brylane Home
- Shop for something else you need and enter the certificate # from Reservation Rewards
- Get that item free or $10 off, if you spend more.
- Log back into Reservation Rewards and look for your Monthly $10 Bonus ( this is different than your $10 Gift Certificate you just used ).
- Email a copy of your FIRST order ( mine is the $10.98) to monthlybonus@reservationrewards.com
- $10 Check or less will be mailed to you at the address you registered.
So, for a few cents, I am getting two summer sets and a sewing machine. These will be nice summer birthday gifts for some of my family members.
How did this happen? I paid $10.98 for the first order, but I am getting $10 back via rebate. On the 2nd order, I ordered the summer set and after the $10 Gift Certificate, I spent only $.98. So, my total will be about $1.96 for 2-sets of summerware and a $29.99 sewing machine. Wow!
If you are new to Shop at Home or Mr. Rebates, you will be making another $5 on this transaction. So, for you, you will have a profit!!
I LOVE Brylane Home and I love Reservation Rewards! And, well, I love Shop at Home and Mr. Rebates! Enjoy this fun deal!

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hello there been following your site for about a month now and i had seen the brylanehome offer before but wasn't sure about it.. but thanks to you i went ahead and followed exactly what you said and i got myself some new curtains and a salad keeper and the sewing machine and it will end up costing my just under 18 for it all... thank you very much robin
I did 2 orders, got a salad kit & sewing machine in 1 & a silicone bake set & sewing machine in the other. Grand total was 18.09 after shipping & tax... Woohoo!
Thanks for the info!!! How do you find these awesome deals?
I think it expired. The code does not work anymore.
It should still be working, it is still up on the main page of their site and it hasn't reached the expiration date yet.
DON'T add the sewing machine to the cart.
Simply add the clearance item you want, and then put the code in. The sewing machine will pop in after that.
Make sure to enter it yourself ( don't copy it from my site ) and enter it exactly the same with caps.
Let me know if you still have issues.
I don't know how they ship..So I tried to edit my address so UPS or P.O. bx could ship..but I have been trying for an hour to edit my address and it keeps telling PAGE NOT FOUND!
This was great! Thank you so much!!!
This totally worked for me! I've learned to follow your advice and gameplan to the letter for best results, so now I have two salad sets and two sewing machines coming for less than $2 as well. Thank you so much!!!!
I can't seem to locate the 2nd coupon code for the 2nd order. I've clicked around too much and I think it might be gone for good... :(
I would give it a break and come back later and see if it is working. Your shopping cart should be saved and you should be able to just log back in and checkout.
Let us know if it works.
I tried using the $10 promo code and the free sewing machine code and it says only 1 code at a time. How were you able to use both on your 2nd order Carrie???
Thank Carrie for all the work. I had placed order of 2 throws @$4.99 each and 2 free sewing machines, total payment for both orders is $9.98 and hopefully the $10 rebate would come before 30 days trial ends. Also, when I finished my first order then after signed up for $10 Reser. Reward, another offer (not Reser. Rew.) came up with $15 cert. instead of $10, but I decided not to signed up for it to avoid headache(*_*) Anyway, thank you so much for your tip and I love your website. HM
You use code for sewing machine at: "Promotion Code" on the left and your $10 certificate at right below your order where it says: "Gift card", "Cert. " or so on (on the right of the screen) then it will work. Good luck. HM
Carrie how do I use the new member bonus from shop at home to bring down my total. I am new so I don't know what to do. I am at checkout and my total with shipping is $9.98 with the free sewing machine.
The $5 doesn't bring your total down on the order. You will have to pay the full price up front.
Once you place your first order, if you log back into your Shop at Home account ( usually take a few days until they confirm your order ) you will see $5 in your Shop At Home account.
Every time you shop online ANYWHERE, check with Shop at Home to see what percentage they are paying and shop thru them.
They give you money back when you click thru their site to shop.
Then, once your account reaches $20, they will send you your money.
So, you won't get that money back right away.
Also, if you are willing to Trial offers, after you place your order, you should get the offer for $10 back. Send your receipt into them, and they will mail you a $10 check within the month. Thus, making that order you just placed free.
Thanks a lot Carrie for answering my silly question. Am still trying to decide whether to do the trial offer? This is my first one. Thank You somuch once again
Carrie the trial offer that has come up for me is shopper discount and rewards. How do I know if it is also offering the the $ 10 cashback? All I see is the $ 10 off next purchase.
Shopper Discount and Rewards usually does, too. $10 per month as a benefit via rebate. Plus, the $10 off your next order, too.
There is no guarantee, but as of yet, I haven't found anyone who hasn't gotten the rebate from that company.
So how do I know if they offer the rebate? Do I accept the trial offer and wait till the end of the trial period to see if my rebate arrives and then cancel?
Thanks Carrie! I spent a bit more than you ($10.96) but I had my eye on a canister set, so it's definitely worth it.
No...read my instructions above for Reservation Rewards, and it will be very similar for whatever company you get the offer from.
You need to take your order confirmation and email it to the email address they provide for the rebate. I recommend emailing it today.
Once you register, login to your account and look for the monthly rebate feature. Click on that section and it will give you the details and the email address.
Thank you so much Carrie for this posting!!! I've been wanting a sewing machine for a while now, and because of you, I am able to take that off of my "wish list"!!!! I did the same order you did for my first order (housewarming gift and a sewing machine for me :) ) and for the second order I got a quilt (to give to the homeless) and another sewing machine. Since the second order came out to $9.98, I got those two items for free!!! And hopefully when the rebate comes thru, I would've only paid $.98 out of pocket for 3 wonderful gifts for others and a sewing machine for myself. I'm soooo excited! Thank you sooo much again :)
Thank You Very Much Carrie.
I poked around Reservation Rewards a bit after signing up, and they have a pretty sweet deal on gift cards - you can buy a $25 gc for $20, and free shipping (limit four per month). I bought two amazon cards and two cvs/pharmacy cards - really good deal! This is a trial offer that I think I'll keep, especially with Christmas (and a bunch of family birthdays) coming up.
OOh Carrie Thanks......I ordered a few things ...for Christmas...YAY!!!
Thanks for sharing this deal. It worked perfect for me! I never thought about using deals like this to start my gift shopping for the year.
I've been waiting for this one!! I am totally doing the salad set combo as well. It's adorable. Thanks so much!
I got this same offer from another site a few days ago, but did not do it. I am glad I waited because the way you did it is so much sweeter. I got 2-sewing machines and 2-quilts for $.98 if I did it all right. Now I just have to cancel the shoppers discounts and rewards subscription by Sept. 23. Do you know anything about them? Any problems with them? Thank you so much!!!
They are actually a very good company.
Take a look around their company. Many of my readers stay members. Why?
It costs approx. $12 a month, BUT you get $10 free to Brylane Home each month ( making it about $2 a month )
But, you get so many extra benefits. You earn points when you print coupons ( and can redeem for gift cards ), get discounted gift cards ( this can save you a lot ), etc.
So, if you use the benefits, you can actually make money...possibly...each month by remaining a member.
I will probably be doing a post on the company in the next day or so, since so many of us did the trial.
But, if you want to cancel after your trial, it is super easy. Log into your account and do a search on cancellation. There is a link and you just do it online.
No matter what you decide on the program, you will love your trial experience.
I did my order and when I checked out it gave me an offer for $15 cash back and then when you log in there is the option for the $10 monthly bonus but I did not receive a certificate to enter at my next transaction. Did I do something wrong?
They often have different offers. I believe the $15 offer is also a rebate. Login and read the terms, or read the terms they email you for the $15.
But, I think this is how it plays out for you.
Send the original order in for the $10 rebate ( unless you spent $15 ) and then with your 2nd order, place a $15 order and send the 2nd order in for the $15 rebate.
Again, read your terms for your specific offer.
I went ahead and signed up with Shopper Discount and Rewards, since that was the one that was offered to me, and followed your instructions - worked perfectly! Thank you! I've already gotten confirmation that they've sent my $10 rebate, as well - talk about fast work!
I'm not sure what exactly happened, but somehow I got double-registered with both Reservation Rewards and Shopper Discounts after my first order... so I ended up getting to do an extra order and will receive an extra check! That's 3 sewing machines, a throw, a silicone bake set, and a StrapPerfect (always wanted to try one of those) and I'm paying $2.94 out of pocket when all is said and done.
thanks for posting this. i got the 8pc set and a new rug for my living room.. grand total of $14!.. i saved almost $100.. buying clearance and using the $10 off code. thanks again. :)
Carrie I placed two orders from brylane home and recived confirmation emails for both from them. But today I went to their website and I checked my order status and when I entered both the order nos it says no record found .On the day I placed the order both the purchases were showing up on the order status but now it is blank. Looks like they have cancelled the orders. Also the sewing machine deal is gone. Has this happened to you ?What should I do now? Any ideas?
I just checked mine.
Log in with your email, not the order #.
Mine already shipped, so it is not showing under orders anymore, it is under past orders...so if yours have shipped, then yours won't be shopping up under current orders, either.
They are VERY fast on getting their products out.
I am not sure if the sewing machine code is still valid.
If you enter it and it doesn't pull in or says it is invalid, then they have finished the promotion.
Often times, good deals go fast!
I did log in with my email address also but it is not showing up. It says no current orders and no past orders.
I feel so bad that I am losing this great deal. I think I should call tomorrow and see what happens.
Do you have your order confirmation,etc?
If so, I would definitely consider calling.
Let me know what happens.
Carrie I called customer service and they were horrible. They just said they could not do anything and I have to do it again. So I placed the first order. But now for the second order I need my gift certificate no. Do you know how I can get that old no back? The customer service were useless. They said do it online again.
Sign into your Reservation Rewards account to get your certificate number. It is stored there.
Carrie thank you so much for all your hepl. I tried to use the gift certificate code again but is says already used. I called reservation rewards and they said they cannot do anything abt the code.They made a mistake and used the code for my monthly reward cheque. So I asked them to give me another code but instead they asked me to place a second order and send that again for the monthly reward. I am so confused and don't know what to to.
Sorry for the confusion Carrie.
Hi Carrie, This is HM. I am having the same problem with my order, they had canceled my orders and gave me a very dumb reason, they said the Gift Cert. I applied for my order was not qualified because it was belonged to someone else not for me so they canceled my order, I asked them about my 1st order, it did not have anything to do with the G.C., they said they canceled both of them. (The Reservation Rewards already approved my rebate and they still have all my info, there is no way that G.C was for someone else) I was talking with them very nice, polite but they just hang up on me. I know this problem was not happened only for me but for some. Brylane Home did very bad impression on me who was the very first time customer. Anyway, I am so happy for you that they worked out for you and enjoy your gift. Best wishes. HM
Hey HM,
Well, the good news...you will probably get free cash then.
If they send your rebate check and you didn't pay for anything..YAY!!
Their loss and your gain!
Crazy, though. I have done 3 of these deals with Brylane Home now and never had an issue, and others are reporting to me their items have arrived.
Don't forget, if you ever have issues with a company and they are not willing to work with you, hang up on your ( unacceptable ), send a complaint letter to their company and don't be afraid to file complaints with the Better Business Bureau.
By being honest consumers, BUT also reporting when companies are not being honest with you, you are doing a service to all consumers and allowing the companies higher ups ( the leaders of the company may not know how their CS associates are acting ) to fix the problem.
Let us know what happens..if you get your check even though they cancelled your orders and if you email the company, etc.
Did you send a order confirmation in for your rebate yet?
If they told you to do that, I would send the order confirmation in and see if they send you your check.
Carrie that is the exact same thing they told me too. That the gift certificate is someone else's. They hung up on me too. I don't understand what is going on.
Don't know whom to trust..brylane home or reservation rewards.
I also feel that both HM and me did 2 orders of the throw and the sewing machine and only our orders were cancelled. Is it something to do with that because we did the same orders twice?
Odd that you did the exact same orders, though.
Although Monica out on Facebook did the throws and the sewing machine and her orders came yesterday. So, I am not sure that is what it is.
I would file the BBB complaint against Brylane Home, though, since they are the ones hanging up on you and with the poor customer service.
You have the email from Reservation Rewards showing your #'s right? So, you should be able to send that to them showing that it is your orginal gift certificate #, but they aren't even asking you for proof.
I also just called and was told my order was cancelled because the code "belonged to someone else" they were not helpful at all on the phone. I will be sending an email of complaint. I no longer trust this company.
Carrie, This is HM again. I did follow up with my canceled orders, I was contact them via email many times and all I got back is just simply asking me to place the orders again, so I asked them if I order all the items and pay the same $$$ I supposed to pay in the ordered were canceled since those order had promo. I was communicating with them very politely and all I ask is expecting a honest and good reputation business. So finally, a CS asking me to forward those emails shown the order confirmations since they did not have any record, and guess what? the email she gave me to forward the orders is not working at all (*_*) So now, I gave up and been wasting too much of time with this company. When I have more time I might file a complain against them. Anyway, I am still happy for all of you have been lucky with your orders.
They did the same to me. How is it the code is from someone else when some people signed up through Reservation Rewards and some of us (like me) signed up through Shopper Discounts so we were using codes from two different companies. And now the code for the sewing machines doesn't work so I can't even reorder them. Something is NOT right about this and I'm upset that I lost my first order as well as the second one. I called Shopper Discounts to ask about the code and the lady was like "They CANCELLED your orders?!" She had no idea what was going on and gave me the code again but the sewing machine sode no longer works. ALso, when you enter an invalid coupon the system rejects it. The fact that our codes were accepted and applied to the orders shows they were valid. I'm not happy about this at all because they are not being honest.
BBB, folks! That is what they are for definitely! If Brylane is being rude and won't fix the problem or give you a sufficient answer, then that is really your only next step.
If Brylane Home is canceling the orders it doesn't sound like a problem with Reservation Rewards, etc. if definitely sounds like an issue on Brylane Home's side.
I just checked their status on the BBB and they are registered with them ( many companies are not ) and have an A plus rating, because they RESOLVE their complaints!
Why is this good for you?
Because, if you having issues and Customer Service is not working with you, go file your complaint online.
And, apparently, it appears they resolve them....so that is GOOD for you! Once you write your complaint, it is pretty much out of your hands.
PLUS, if they are having issues with gift certifcate #'s not working, etc, then this is a great way for the message to get to the "important" people in the company that their is a glitch somewhere and it is causing MAJOR issues!
That happened to me too! I got online today and realized that the charge for my items had disappeared off my credit card account. So I logged into Brylane and lo and behold, my orders were not there. I tried looking under the confirmation #, not there. Not under past orders either. I was thinking about calling, but it looks like it's useless... sad. :(
Very sad!
How do you go about filing a claim with BBB? I went to their site but couldn't find brylane home there. I've never done this before so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right.
Go here.
Next, click on the link, file a complaint, under the BBB for Consumers section on the right hand side.
Follow along thru the pages and enter Brylane Home when you get to the name of the company.
It will pull back Redcats. That i their parent company. Click on the one that has the BBB logo next to it, I think the 3rd one down.
Then, just complete the application.
Hi Carrie, This is HM. I did file a complaint against BrylaneHome to the BBB, but before I did so, I emailed BrylaneHome once more time saying that I was going to file a complaint with BBB, within 10mins, a Customer Service called me try to "solve" the problem, I told him that the email address that one of the C.S gave me didn't work and I had tried no less than 10 times and had been wasting too much of my time. Then he asked me to gave him the G.C# so he could verify the info. I said I was in the middle of doing something and could not turn on computer at that moment and asked him to call me back in 10mins, he refused to do so, then he demanded that I should call them back???. So I told him I did not want to deal with this any more then we ended the call. (he initiated to call me, why couldn't he call me back in 10 mins???)
Anyway, I just received $10 rebate back from Reservation Reward, that's FREE money. Thank GOD. It came fast (less than 2 weeks even they said it could take 4-6weeks) Now, at least I can say good words about Reservation Rewards program and plan to keep them at least another month. Thank you Carrie. HM
I had a feeling you would make money due to this error.
Reservation Rewards is a great program. I highly advise taking a look around. For some, it really pays to remain a member, if you earn the free gift cards, etc.
Glad you atleast got your rebate, HM.
I am just going to consider this $10 in free money. The gifts would have been nice, but I really can't complain that I made $10 for placing an order online.
Nope..I would almost say you guys made out decent. :)
I was one of the ones who had my sewing machine orders randomly cancelled. I was scared to call because of all the bad experiences people posted on here. I finally braved up and called today and they were great. Everyone I talked to was extremely nice. They bounced me around between departments a few times but in the end, the customer service refilled one of the orders (they wouldn't redo the one that I used the $10 off code from Reservation Rewards). They originally told me that I would just had to re-place the order on my own, but when I told them I couldn't do that because the sewing machine promotion wasn't running anymore, they just did it for me right then and there. I guess 1 order is better than none. Even better... I already got my rebate from reservation rewards in the mail, so that paid for it.
I had an interesting experience with this one - my orders weren't canceled but completely LOST! :) Luckily I had printouts and copies of email confirmations. The rep was really confused when I called, but he ended up re-submitting the orders with the same discounts. We'll see if these ones actually arrive. :)
I did already receive my reservation rewards cash (man, that is a good company!) so even if the orders don't show up, I'll still be happy about that.
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