Welcome to my new weekly feature on Market Research. I will strive to bring you new programs to join each week, as well as list any studies these companies are screening for at the current time.
Want to learn how to make money on Market Research and sign up for all current programs I have introduced? Click here or go to my Focus Groups button in my left menu bar. All the recommended companies I suggest you register with will be listed in the side bar.
This week I am going to by-pass introducing a new company. I am in the process of packing and getting ready to leave for BlogHer in Chicago ( yes, another blogging conference..woo, hoo ) and haven't had time this week to research studies and companies for you all.
But, next week I will have a new company to join.
BUT...I didn't want to forget to give you a roundup of the studies available at the current companies we are all using!
If you are not yet registered with Focus Forward, please click here to get your welcome email.
Once you receive your and sign up, you can go here to take the screeners for all the studies listed below and any that are still open from previous updates.
- $225 - LA Residents In Home Interview Regarding Energy Drinks
- $225 - Chicago In Home Interview Regarding Energy Drinks
- $50 - Nationwide Online and Phone Interview regarding Movie Rentals!

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Great blog..
Work from home
Are you at BlogHer? Three days and no post. I'm so jealous. LOL.
It was soooo nice to meet you. WATCH out web world.....we are gonna rock with SEO!!! (After you email me you notes...LOL)
LOL I meant to sign that too. LOL @Elizabeth_N woops. Well you got more comment love out of me...hahaha
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