Sorry for the lack of posts, but I woke up at 4:45 on Thursday morning to begin getting ready for BlogHer '09 in Chicago.
I had to be at Andrea @ MommySnacks house by 6 in the morning to begin our road trip. If you haven't checked her site out, you will want to soon. She has tons of great deals, coupon match ups and so much more.
Who all took part in our van trip adventure besides the two of us?
In Photo: Tricia - Once a Month Mom, Carrie - Money Saving Methods, trolley ride to Frito Lay Dinner
- Erin @ $5 Dollar Dinners ( you guessed it, yummy meals for $5 or less )
- Marianne @ Writer Mommy and The New Frugal Mom ( Lots of fun savings recommendations )
- Tricia @ Once A Month Mom ( want to learn how to cook only once a month and freeze your meals? )
- Briana @ Bargain Briana ( Bargains, bargains, bargains )
It was a blast driving up and back! In fact, six women in a van required a car topper added to the roof of the van for all of our luggage. :)
In Photo: Carrie - Money Saving Methods, Briana - Bargain Briana at the Social Luxe party! Happy hosewives using our new Swifter Wet Jets!
We arrived on Thursday afternoon, and began enjoying the conference. I roomed with two other great bloggers you might want to check out, too. Jenny @ Mommin' It Up and Jill @ The Diaper Diaries. Not only did these girls have me laughing all weekend ( they are hilarious ), but they are so genuinely sweet, that you will just love their sites.
I learned a lot that will hopefully improve my blogging skills and make my site a better place for you to visit! On top of that, they had a wonderful Expo to meet with companies on new and fun products for all of our families. And, Chicago! Must I say more! The events and parties they had set up for us all were out of this world.
In Photo: Toni - The Happy Housewife, Carrie -Money Saving Methods, at BowlHer
Finally, attached are a few fun pictures of my trip. Want some other fun bloggers I love, met and think you may like, too?
- Marcy - Stretching a Buck
- Toni - The Happy Housewife
- Mercedes - Common Sense with Money
- Amy - Mom Advice
I truly did miss posting, reading emails, tweets, facebook and all the other ways I converse with you all! And, I am happy to be home and back to blogging!
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Thank you so much for sharing your time at Blogher with those of us who could not attend! It makes me excited for next year! I am a relatively new blogger and didn't have the funds to go this year. It looks like you had an absolute blast!
Next year is in NYC! I am so excited.
Don't be afraid to ask for sponsors from companies you talk about often or work with on a daily basis.
I can't thank Mr. Rebates enough for this opportunity. They paid for all my expenses to the conference and gave me wonderful folders and mouse pads to hand out for them.
This gave me the chance to tell other bloggers about their company.
So, keep an eye out this year on your blog and see which companies you feel represent your blog well! And, don't be afraid to ask.
NYC?!!!! Awesome! Thank you for the tip! See you there!
BTW, I absolutely LOVE your blog and can't wait to meet you!
You are an awesome roomie!!
So much fun! (and that is a great picture of us. . .) :)
ooh I wish I could've went !
I L-O-V-E-D hanging out with you IRL at BlogHer. I was so grateful to have someone as cautious as myself when it came to manuevering Chicago traffic. I think those gals were trying to kill us, lol!
In all seriousness I had a blast and can't wait for next year!
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