Welcome back, online offers fans! Once again this is Jenny. I am a reader of Money Saving Methods and posted yesterday on my experience from doing online offers with I-Deal.
As you saw yesterday, so far I have profited over $2200 from doing online offers. Today I am going to tell you about Nuitech. I have made approximately $825 from them (see my babies pictured above with my $1000 Visa gift card). And currently I am in the process of doing the Nike/Adidas $500 offer.
I am really enjoying doing offers with Nuitech. One of the best things about this company is their great customer service - I have had wonderful experiences with them and I hope you will, too! They actually post their phone number on their website and you can call them anytime and ask any questions you might have about your offer.
The main thing to remember with Nuitech is no matter how many offers you have to do to qualify for a gift you have to remain a member of all but 2 of the offers for at least 60 days. This means that you will be spending more out of pocket than with I-Deal, but you can still make a good profit with these companies.
Also, with Nuitech, you can request manual credit. Say, for example, that 2 of your offers don't credit. After 30 days you can call them and asked to be credited for those 2 offers. You will be asked to submit a copy of the welcome email or invoice and a copy of your credit card statement (with the CC number blacked out, of course!) showing the charge. Once you are manually credited, their computer starts ticking and 60 days from then they will automatically send you an email requesting that you send information proving that you have been with whichever offers you chose for 60 days or more.
However, one thing that I found out recently from Nuitech which is going to help speed up the process is this - you can actually request to submit that information 60 days from when you started, thus getting the process going a good month to 6 weeks before their computers would activate it. So, on day 61, call and let them know you are past your 60 days, and they will tell you that you will need to submit emails and credit card statements proving you have been with the companies longer than 60 days.
Read Carrie's tips and instructions for some ideas on how to recoup some of the expense from doing these offers. I have had great success re-selling items on eBay and Half .com. Like I mentioned above, I did a $1000 offer that I ended up spending about $175 out of pocket (after selling some items and receiving some rebates), therefore, profiting $825!
Currently I am working on the Nike/Adidas offer and I will probably end up spending about the same amount out of pocket, for a $325 profit, however, that is still a great profit! And, I am getting a lot of birthday and Christmas presents as well as trying products and services I wouldn't have normally tried. I love these offers!
With Nuitech, you can expect to get your money/gift cards approximately 4 months from when you started the offer.
As always, be sure to read all of the terms and conditions before starting an offer!
Tune in tomorrow for the scoop on Netblue!
Would you like to join Jenny and myself in completing a Nuitech offer this month? Feel free to click here or on the image below for your $500 as well. As always, please read my Online Offers webpage, and Nuitech Instructions.

Are you a reader, like Jenny, who has benefited from one of my methods? Feel free to email me about doing a guest post. They are always welcome.
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And, don't forget to catch up with me on Twitter and Facebook.
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I have been reading your posts and finding them interesting. Can you tell us though how much you have to pay out of pocket before starting these deals?
Hi Kristie, There is no fee to start the deals...however, you do have to sign up for different offers to qualify for the gift. With my I-Deal offers I spent about $75 to $100 to get $500. And with Nuitech, I spent about $175 to get $1000 and will spend about the same ($175) to get $500. Good moneymakers. But, yes, you do have to invest some to start. However, remember, that you are trying products and services that you might actually use and enjoy! I also have bought many birthday and Christmas presents this way, too. If you would like to just start with an I-Deal offer and are comfortable investing $50-$75, then wait until you get the $500 and use that profit to start another deal.
Hi Jenny & Carrie,
I've done two $500 Ideal offers with success. I registered my info with the $1500 Nuitech offer on March 18th, and I haven't moved forward because of the costs.
I'd like to do it now? Would I be cutting it short?
Nice posts Jenny! It's nice to hear about the success others are having doing this. I haven't had a chance to look into too much but plan to...thanks again!
Personally, I would wait and start another Nuitech now.
But, I am a play it safe type of gal. With that much invested, I wouldn't want to risk getting nothing if everything didn't happen fast enough.
Angela, With Nuitech you could register with another email b/c you don't have to use the same email throughout like with I-Deal, so if you aren't worried about cutting it short, then if you have another email you'd like to use, just register with that one. I've done that before..
Oops, meant to say if you "are" not aren't =)
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