Jenny D, this post is for you!!! :-)
Yes, so many of you have been waiting for this post. I keep getting emails asking when I was going to touch on this and introduce some new offers to do. And, the day has finally arrived!
New to my site? This is for you. Faithful follower but haven't taken the plunge? This is for you, too.
This method is one of the larger money makers for your family and can truly benefit your family this year!! As I have mentioned in the past, I have gotten almost $20,000 in free money from doing online offers. And, I am planning to make this a stellar year. Meaning, I have set a goal for myself to receive at least $5,000 this year in Online Offers. Can I do it? I hope so.
I started a new $500 offer earlier this week, and a $250 offer with a new company. Plus, I am going to be doing another offer this coming week. I hope to focus on one this coming week, too.
So, what are online offers? You can click here to read a full overview of the subject. Or, at any time, click on my Online Offers button in my left menu bar. You will also find many different offers you can sign up for yourself in the sidebars. I have them sorted by company.
But, a quick recap is that these are companies who will send you free gifts for trying multiple products. These free gifts could be anything from free money, free gift cards, Laptops, TVs, etc. The key to being successful is to actually follow thru in the process and make sure you stay organized!
What are some good offers to start with if you are new? I always recommend the $500 Gas Card offers from IDeal, just because I have done it already! Plus, it is a wonderful company to start with due to the fact they have good customer service, and quick turnaround ( usually about 2 months until you get your money ).
Are you one of my experienced readers and have already participated in the past? I know you are all itching to start some new offers. Well, here are some great finds for you. And, I will be adding these to my Online Offers webpage, too, for future reference.
IDeal - eSolutions Media
Remember, if you have done your max of $1,000 in 6 months on Top Notch with IDeal, you can still do offers with their other affiliated companies, such as eResearch Council. Yeah! So, I am excited that I have found some good offers for us with this company.
IDeal - Bullseye Media, Inc.
- $100 -
- $100 -
- $500 -
- $500 -
IDeal - 123 Click, Inc.
Also, I have added quite a few to the Netblue section!
Finally, if anyone is interested, I am trying a new company called Trainn. I have just signed up for the first time, but I have heard many good things from others.
Why have I liked this company so far? When you are registering, you can choose to either sign up and earn your money via points for doing offers OR you can choose to get most of your credit from referrals. You are allowed to change once after you sign up.
Another fun aspect, you can choose the gift, or they let you choose to get the value of the gift. So, I always like getting cash instead, and that is a plus for me. At least, this was the case in the offer I did.
When you log in, it seems like many offers to do, BUT the other plus is this company has a lot more offers to choose from AND alot I don't see on other companies. So, this is nice, so you will have enough to choose from while going thru the process.
I have also heard this company pays very quickly.
So, I am doing Your Nintendo Wii 4 Free, except I decided to simply that the $250 instead.
If you are ready for a new company and willing to try it with me, simply click here.
I hope these new offers give us all a bit more to work with in February.
Homework: Are you going to try Online Offers this year? If so, start now. This gives you the whole year to do many of them, once you find you like them.

I am afraid I am going to mess up and end up paying money...for the nintendo Wii offer...did you pay anything up front?
The article was fantastic!
So thorough!
Thanks for the article and for finding all the new sites! This is so exciting!
Yeah! Thanks Carrie...can't wait to start on another offer. Thanks for mentioning this was just for me! =>
You're the best!
Jenny D
I am definitely going to give it a try. I have to say, I'm a little nervous. And excited at the same time. Thanks Carrie!!
Yeah, new offers!!! I am so close to getting my gas card, I can practically taste it.
Thanks so much, Carrie!
I'm very excited, too! Thanks for working on this!
Hey Carrie on the Gift House it showed a $500 Kay Gift card. I wasn't really interested in that one, but I thought "I'll try logging in to see what other ones this site is offering" and there are like 15 more! There is one in particular that I would love to do - $500 for what you didn't get for xmas. Now, how would I go about finding the signup page for that offer from gifthouse? Thanks!
Darnit. I just finished signing up for the different deals at, only to find that one of the requirements is "refer 1 unique household that also completes the program requirements". *headdesk* How do you refer someone?
Okay, I did find the link to refer someone (feel free to help me out!) under the Check Gift Status link. Just FYI. :)
Yes, all these free sites require you to try products. Even if you do a trial, you usually have to pay shipping of a few dollars to get the trial of the product.
The payout up front simply comes out of the profit at the end.
For the gas cards, for example, usually pay about a max of $80 for $500. Good return.
It is VERY nerve wracking at first. VERY!
But, also so fun. And, so financially beneficial.
That is the problem. Unless you actually et an email invite to that particular Gift House offer OR you see an advertisement for it somewhere on the web to click on, you are pretty much out of luck.
I tried once, many years ago, to just randomly get the code for it. I did all the offers, and then they wouldn't give me my gift. One of the only times I didn't get my $$.
They made it very clear, no tampering with the code ( which I didn't...I had gotten the code emailed to me from a friend, so I thought it was legit ). They need to know their advertisement was posted somewhere and a legit ad for their company.
Since you told me that, I did some research and found another company offering ads for GiftHouse. I sent the rep an email today asking if they could approve my site, so I could display those other GiftHouse links for us all.
They said I should know in about 1 to 2 days. So, if you can hold out for a few more days...I may have some more for you...hopefully.
Kira...and be careful when you sign up for offers that you know all the stipulations first.
At the very bottom of that first page, you will see it says Refer 1 unique household. With IDeal sites, you can always check at the very bottom of the page first, before even signing up.
What I would recommend, if you don't find anyone is to see if maybe your parents or in laws would want to participate or siblings, etc.
If they are not able to find anyone to participate, they would at least get the $50 consolation gift card and you could split your $500 with them...$250/$250. You won't make as much on your money....but you will still make a profit that way. And, so will your family.
I absolutely love your blog! I stumbled over it a couple of weeks ago and I have to check it every day!:)
I am trying to do the $500 gas offer, but boy, I am NERVOUS!! I have done this things before, but always quit once they asked me to 'buy' or sign up for something. What or which offers would you refer to use that don't cost too much money and can be canceled easily? Thanks!
Unfortunately, I cannot advise on that is a no no with the companies. :-)
But, as you do more of these ( you get hooked on getting free money ) you will eventually find you start trying all the offers eventually.
But, when starting, I advise trying products you think you may like. If you like to watch movies, try Blockbuster. If you like to read, try a book club, etc.
Need some new eye cream ( you are almost out ) try that.
It is really a lot of fun to try these products, and I have actually gotten gifts from some of these offers before!!
Basically, look thru them out what you are going to get before signing up for any offers and then have lots of fun making money!
Cool! I have an Ella, too! (She's 3).
I did the Wii offer from your referral link, now I'm off to find 5 people to refer.
You decided on the referral? If you have any trouble, remember you are allowed to switch you can always switch to DIY if need be.
I just signed up for the $500 Visa yesterday. I am sooooo nervous! How do you sit back and relax??? I'm afraid I'm going to end up paying money, or mess something up. Lol!
I am excited, too! Two of the offers were approved! I'm caught b/t fear and excitment.
I love, love, LOVE your blog! I owe all of my future moneymaking success to you. Keep up the great work... and keep those good ideas coming our way!!!
I was a nervous wreck, too, but after a becomes like everything else in life....just part of your routine.
Don't worry, you will be glad you went thru all this once your money arrives.
I am so hesitant to do these offers because of having to give my social security # in the final stages. Do you know if even the $100 offers require this?
Also, thanks for all of the bank offers info!!! Love that free money!
All you could do is email the company first and ask.
I would assume they still would, because if you would happen to do quite a few offers with them during the year ( and they have no way of knowing you won't ), they would need to submit a 1099-MISC into the gov't for you.
But, I could be wrong. Definitely email them and find out.
I love, love, love your site! I started my second $500 gift card. I am waiting for all of them to be approved...yeah! For all of you new here, do not worry, it will work out if you keep track of your offers. Make sure you cancel before the trial period ends, or keep the product if you enjoy it. And make sure you keep a log of all the information, I hope this eases some anxiety for you first timers! Good luck and I appreciate all you do on your site!!
Hi Carrie,
Thank you so much I love!!! your blog. The best money to be made is working for yourself. Thanks again,
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