Monday, December 29, 2008

Free Photo Book from Picaboo - 3 Days Left!

Long time reader? Then, you will remember when I posted about the free Photo Book from Picaboo early in this year.

Well, the expiration day is finally upon us. It is December 31st, 2008...days away!

And, this is the perfect time to take advantage of it. I created one last night with all our Christmas pictures. I did this last year with another company, and we truly cherish our Christmas Photo Books. The kids love looking at them! In fact, my son took our old one in for show and tell at school a few weeks ago.

Here are the details, for anyone that is interested.

Get a free 20-page Medium book

  • The price of a 20-page Medium Softcover Classic Die Cut photo book will be deducted from your order total ($9.99 value)

  • If your book contains more than 20 pages, you will be charged for the extra pages

  • This coupon excludes taxes and shipping fees

  • Only Medium Softcover and Medium Hardcover Classic Die Cut photo books are eligible for this offer

  • Coupon expires on December 31, 2008

  • Applies to US and Canadian residents only

  • Cannot be used with any other coupon

  • This coupon can be used by first-time customers only

  • We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions of this offer without notice

Just so you know, my shipping came to $7.99 ( still a good deal, since most photo albums cost that alone or more ).

Finally, the coupon code is 1PFMDB-WE. If you have trouble getting this code to work, Kelly from Fenwick Mama just left a comment with another code Picaboo gave her. It is 1PFMDB-BC. Now, I am wondering if I can do a seperate order and get a 2nd book? Hmmm..I think I may try it tonight or tomorrow.

Click here to sign up with Picaboo and order your book.

Helpful Hint: I could NOT edit my pictures when uploading them and putting in the book. Meaning, I couldn't get rid of red eye, enlarge, rotate, etc. But, after I went all the way through, placed my pictures and saved it. I then clicked back on the photo book and was able to edit fine.

Have fun creating!

Cash-Back Christmas Shopping plus Online Coupons Galore at Mr. Rebates!


Evelyn said...

Can you write words and comments on it?

Carrie @ said...


I put little stories next to some of the pictures, telling what we did that day, which cousins were there...etc, etc.

It is a lot of fun. I love Photo Books, I just usually don't want to spend that much money on one. It would have been $18 before coupon. But, I am Ok with paying the shipping.
