I truly hope everyone had a great Christmas! Mine is still in full swing. Can you tell from my lack of posts these last few weeks?
We had my sister-in-law and our family over today for a Christmas party and tomorrow my in-laws are over again ( they are visiting from Florida right now ). Over the weekend, we went down to see Great Grandma in Kentucky and spend part of the day with her. Next my Aunt and Uncle are coming from Cleveland and THEN...we will finally slow down next weekend.
So, I will try to post occasionally over this next week, but well, as you can see we are still having a wonderful few weeks with many, many family members. So, the posts may be few and far between until the 1st!
On top of that, I am preparing a challenge for us in January ( and throughout 2010 ). For long time readers, you may remember the Method Marathon I did last January to gear us all up for savings/earnings in 2009.
Well, this year we are getting ready to run either a 5K or a 10K! OK, I don't mean run an actual 5 or 10 Kilometers, but I mean we are going to earn/save either 5K ( $5,000 ) or 10K ( $10,000 ) next year. And, hey, if you want to save and earn even more, go for it! I will have add on methods that you can follow outside of the challenge to increase your numbers. I can't WAIT! New years always get me excited to see what I can do for my family financially.
So, are you ready? If not, be prepared to check in with me each weekday next month to see what all we are going to do to get ahead in 2010. Pick the plan that works better for you. If you are new to savings/earnings with my methods, then I will have the $5,000 challenge for you. For those of us who have been doing this longer, we can aim for $10,000 or more.
ANYWAY, I couldn't pass us sharing the Read it Forward program with Crown Publishing Group. I love to read, and I especially love to read for free. In fact, if I can read, and for free, AND keep the book ( or share it with friends ), I am truly excited.
There are only limited quantities and it is a first come, first serve basis. But, you will get new releases for the books mailed to you.
The request form is very quick and only took moments.
Currently, the following new releases are available:
- Breaking Out of Bedlam by Leslie Larson
- Prima Donna by Megan Chance
- True Confections by Katharine Weber
Let me know when you get yours!

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I up for earning/saving $5000 or even $10,000! Bring it on!
Thanks for the post on the free books!!! Can't wait to see your posts about saving big. Our goal is to pay off our house in the next two years so that would be super helpful.
Hey carrie!! Can we work together on this? I mean my blog as well as yours? I think my readers would enjoy it as well and we could collaborate on posts. Call me: (267-276-8079)
Jennifer (SisterlySavings)
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