As this blog is about money and is the main focus, I thought today was a great day to share an underlying fact of life. Money is NOT everything! It is not the most important thing ever and it needs to be put into perspective at times.
Today I spent a good part of the day sticking things into the front of our Wii trying to pull out Memory pieces. And, the whole time I was thinking...this was $200!!!!!!
Yes, it is true. I was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast ( my eldest had just got on the bus ) and I hear my 3 year old son say, "! I can't get all in!"
He was VERY frustrated. I look over thinking I need to help him complete some childhood task and find him sticking Memory game pieces into the front.
To say I was upset is an understatement. I tried to grab as many out as I could, but frankly my hand is just not small enough to pull anything out of the front of that thing. Oh, NO! This is a $200 toy that was destroyed in moments.
I unplugged it and tried to stick things into it to pull out the pieces. Some came out, but let's just be clear.......many, many pieces are still missing inside the thing.
Next, I logged online and searched How to Take Apart a Wii. At this point, it isn't working anyway so I figured why not try to take it apart and get the pieces out? What is the worst that can won't work? It already doesn't!
What a chore!! I am about half way through and figure out that a few of the screws need a special tool that I will now need to go purchase.
Meanwhile, my 3 year old knew all day I was not happy with him. I don't know what clued him in? My distressed face, the fact I spend so much time trying to take the Wii apart or the fact that I kept asking him, "Why, Noah, WHY?"
He was so sweet, though. He usually cries if he gets in trouble ( I think because he then wants us to hug him and cuddle him ), but today...he kept trotting behind me everywhere saying, "Mommy, I sorry I hurt the Wii". And, it was stated in a very soft voice ( he is usually quite loud ). I couldn't help but give him a quick hug each time before I went back to dismantling our game console.
But then, I heard devastating news that stopped my day in it's tracks. While I am selfishly complaining and mumbling to myself about how bad my day is, I realize it isn't.
I had a great day! I had a day that other Mother's around the world would crave and pray they could have, too. Because, my kids were here with me. They were home and healthy and getting into mischief. What more does a Mother want?
There are Mother's out there dealing with unimaginable pain as they care of their sick children and even have to say goodbye to the child they cherish! And, today I got the news that a mother I know had to hold her 6 year old child and say goodbye as she went to be with the Lord this evening.
Tonight, I ask that you pray for Paige's family and continue to do so.
And, tomorrow I am not going to be so stressed out by a Wii. In fact, if the Wii is broken, a baseball comes through the window, or if Noah floods my bathroom and my kitchen ceiling starts leaking ( yes, this did happen, too )... I am going to keep it in perspective. It is meaningless in the scope of my life as a mother.
I watch that quick silly video I took of my mischievous Noah which I posted above, and I realize how much I love him. No matter what he does in life, that fact will never change...I love him without fail.
Thank you, Lord, for another day with my children! Each day is a precious gift. Thank you for the broken Wii which means my son is being a typical 3 year old and above else........thank you for sacrificing your Son so that someday my children and I can be together with You forever.

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well said!
Amen, Carrie!
Love today's post! Thanks for the perspective.
Hi Carrie,
This is the most touching post you've ever shared. Thanks for the reminder that the most important things in life are people. I'll be praying for Paige's family.
thank you for the post!
Thanks a lot Carrie!
This is a beautiful post. I had no idea that you were a Christian. I've been reading your blog a long time and it's great to know that you love the Lord.
It makes me love your blog even more.
I think you should write these type of things from your heart more often. It let's get a deeper look. I belive people will respect your money saving advice even more than they do now.
Blessings to you and I will be praying for Page's family.
Thank you for the reminder and our prayers to Paige's family.
Thank you Carrie. I couldn't agree more. I struggle to apply that perspective in my every day life, so I am very grateful for this meaningful reminder.
Excellent post, Carrie! We all need these reminders often, in the midst of the day-to-day struggles of raising a family.
Thank You Carrie for sharing your testimony. This means as much or more than saving money, and that the two can go together.We need to remember more often that money is not everything, not even close. GOD BLESS YOU
Amen, amen, AMEN.
I will pray for Paige's family - I cannot imagine their pain. She is with Him, but they are left without her and that is unbearable to consider as a mother.
And it is all perspective -- we should be frugal and good stewards of what He's given us but in the end we can't take ANY of it with us. So live life! And love life! And each other!
Take care. 8-)
I have always appreciated your heart. I echo the realization of the importance of family. My oldest daughter is moving to SE Asia in June. It is hard to let go, but she must follow God. Time will fly for you.
Thanks for sharing these thoughts. For the people losing that child from the family - my prayers go out to them. That has got to be unimaginably difficult. The rest of us who are blessed to have better luck ought to be thankful and remember that life is precious and to enjoy.
My daughter is 6 and this post hit me hard. You are so right about not getting upset with the small stuff. Yes, it was $200, but that's nothing compared to the health of our children and family.
I've been reading your blog for a year or so now, but have not been by in a while. I scrolled down and saw this post and it brought tears to my eyes.
I have always loved your blog. You started me on so many money saving things, including mystery shopping and free offers (and hopefully one day I'll actually try an online offer!!)....
So I've always loved you. But, now, especially know you are a sister in the Lord, to hear your heart, and honesty. I didn't expect this kind of post on this blog--but I'm so glad you wrote it and wanted you to know I was blessed.
Praying for your friends.
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